TeckHead's Blog


LATEST ISSUE: ISSUE #19 - "Nite Skool" Get yer copies in-store 'n on-line now! --- ISSUE #20 is in the works. Estimated Release: March 29th --- I'm HIJACKIN' the airwaves of RedHawk Radio every Wednesday at 6PM EST, BE THERE! --- TeckHead's first single is out NOW! Get yer FREE COPY HERE!--- Want CHAINGUN ISLAND t-shirts? They're comin'... EVENTUALLY!

TeckHead's AmeriQuest

TeckHead Just Saw: Buckethead

Man, it took me ALL DAY to come up with the WORDS needed to describe the FEELIN’S felt by me ‘n the CHAINGUN ISLAND crew the night Buckethead came to town. Let me take ya back a few MONTHS! I saw on-line that Buckethead was gearin’ up to go on tour after a real dry spell. I nearly jumped outta my CYBERNETIC LEGS when I saw that he was comin’ to BOGARTS! Only issue is… I didn’t have a credit card. No worries! I got Virgil to foot the TIX! Anywho, the whole CHAINGUN ISLAND crew came with me this time! We all really like ‘ol Bucket, even ODBAL! We all wanted to hear different chunks-a his repertoire. Cassetta wanted to hear his REAL heavy stuff, Virgil wanted to hear selections from “Day Of The Robot”, ‘n Odbal wanted to meet Herbie; Buckethead’s puppet pal. But me? I was just ESTATIC to see Buckethead up there doin’ his THING! He coulda played Peter Frampton covers ‘n I woulda LAPPED IT UP! Heh. If yer with it, then you’d know that ’ol Bucket’s got a ‘lil tradition-a given’ ‘n receivin’ gifts at his shows. I knew I just HAD to come up with some kinda offerin’ for him! So what did I do? I WHIPPED UP a plastic bucket (FREE HAT!) CHOCK-FULL-A rubber chickens, Star Wars tchotchkes, ‘n you know I had to throw in some ZINES too! We got downtown lickety-split, no problems there! We had to wait in a pretty LONG-ASS line, but it moved pretty fast! I was a ‘lil nervous that they’d CONFISCATE my bucket, but surprisin’ly, they said they’d give it to him BACKSTAGE! CONVENIENT! We got into Bogart’s ‘n I noticed somethin’ right away… everyone was tall. Now, that may sound WEIRD, but it really felt like the average stature-a the Buckethead crowd was significantly TALLER than the GWAR crowd last time I came to Bogart’s. Oh well! Bucket’s pretty tall anyways! Finally, the moment arrived. Buckethead slunked on stage and got STRAIGHT TO BIZNESS! Shreddin’ out all the CLASSICS as well as some Black Sabbath covers, too! You could say it was a real GRABBAG of a setlist! He even had a young apprentice jammin’ with him durin’ the whole shebang! Nice to see that he’s impartin’ his mystical twangin’ knowledge to the YOUTH! He even played “Jordan” from Guitar Hero II! What more can I say? If you’ve ever been to a Buckethead show, you know there’s no communicatin’ the sheer, SPIRITUAL ECSTASY felt from his sonic vibrations. Speakin’-a which, Bucket was playin’ LOUD! When he ripped into “Jordan” I could feel my damn CLOTHES vibratin’! Nearly loosened a few vital CYBERNETIC screws! YEAH BABY! All-in-all, I give Buckethead 5 OUTTA 5 TECKHEADS! Save me the SLUNK! Heheheh.

March 4th: One FAT Tuesday

For once, I had some PEACE 'n QUIET 'round the dumpster for once! All this movin' 'n shakin' with the ZINE 'n the RADIO SHOW 'n the NITE SKOOL 'n the... OTHER THING! I didn't realize that I hadn't been lettin' the GOOD TIMES ROLL for so long that I almost BLEW A GASKET! Things've cooled down for the time bein', I got a better grip on affairs, ya dig? There was a 'lil MARDI GRAS parade in Milford today! I couldn't believe it! We ain't exactly... near any bayous as far as I know! I didn't get any beads for... obvious reasons... but I got to hear some KICK-ASS N'AWLIN'S JAZZ! What? Even a punk-rockin' TeckHead like myself likes a little jazz here 'n there. It does the brain-drive 'n the cybernetics good! No one batted an eye that an undead cyborg like me was strollin' down the street, believe me, there were sum FREAKSHOWS aboot! Ahh, eveythin's alllllllright. Laissez les bon temps rouler 'n restez éclectique!!!

STUFF YOU’VE HEARD OF: Fleetwood Mac - Tusk

Man, Fleetwood Mac had some BIG ASS shoes to fill after the absolute MASTERPIECE-a Rumors. Frankly, Tusk is alright in my opinion. I’m not too big on Fleetwood Mac, but I still enjoyed a good bit-a this record! ‘Ol Stevie ‘n Lindsey still got it goin’ on ‘n the rest-a-the-band’s real TIGHT! They even got a whole high school MARCHIN’ BAND on the track “Tusk”, but you prob’ly knew that already! Speakin’-a-which, “Tusk” is a super sick track, but I wish it was longer. That bein’ said, my FAV’RITE track on this jawn goes to “What Makes You Think You’re The One”. Lindsey Buckingham sounds a little PEEVED on that track ‘n I think that’s pretty cool. All-in-all, I give this fervent follow-up 4 OUTTA 5 TeckHeads!


What can I say aboot this AMAZIN’ album that hasn’t already been said? You may know that ‘ol TeckHead is absolutely DEVO-OBSESSO! Nothin’ coulda set the stage for DEVO’s BLITZ into the mainstream than the E-RRATIC bangin’-a “Uncontrollable Urge” ‘n the RIDICULOUSLY-metered de-evolution anthem, “Jocko Homo”. My personal fav’rite track… well… that’s a tough one! But ultimately, I’d have to say it’s a split between “Gut Feeling (Slap Your Mammy)” ‘n “Come Back Jonee”, which is doublepluscool since they’re right next to each other on the tracklist! All-in-all I give this nominal new-wave cornerstone 5 OUTTA 5 TeckHeads!

January 12th: The Punk Is GONE!

Me, Odbal, ‘n Virgil decided to have a fella’s day out just like ‘ol times… er… more like last week. ANYWHO! We tore on down to TRADERS WORLD in Monroe, Ohio to look for some music, ‘n videogames, ‘n the like. At least, that’s what Odbal ‘n Virgil we’re lookin’ for. No, ladies ‘n germs, ‘ol TeckHead was NOT lookin’ for any material goods… he was lookin’ for the PUNK! If you’ve been readin’ the BLOG from the very begginnin’, you’d remember aboot this time last year when I encountered the PUNK. Real tall fella, with red hair, classic leather jacket, ‘n caution tape hangin’ from his belt. ‘Memba? Well, me ‘n the gang were pah-roosin’ the ENTIRE JOINT lookin’ for him… well… I didn’t tell Odbal ‘n Virgil that. I was just actin’ like I wanted to shop at all these crappy wannabe hole-in-the-wall videogame slop-shops so I could TRY to remember where this PUNK’s hole-in-the-wall was. I was on a mission to deliver to him a little care package of ECLECTIC portions! I burned a CD-a my HIT SINGLE, Rattlesnake (It used to be the B-side to “Issue Zero”, but I’m startin’ to think folks like “Rattlesnake” more. I can see why!), whipped up some recent copies-a the ZINE, ‘n printed a flyer for my upcomin’ ROCK SHOW on the 17th! I wanted to prove to the PUNK that I’ve got what it takes to be a REAL rock-n-rolla! We happened upon this HUGE music shop with cheap guitars, records, keyboards, the WHOLE NINE! I was pretty stoked so I started gabbin’ with the owner who called himself “Doug”. He said he used to work in the entertainment industry as a DJ, “gigging at the gay clubs and black clubs” is what made the most DOSH for him. He also DJ’d for a local classic rock station back in the early 90’s too! I only knew this fella for a few minutes ‘n I already had IMMENSE respect for this dude! I nearly forgot aboot the PUNK so I just asked him point blank where there was a LUL in the convo. I said: “Have you seen this fella ‘round these parts? Real tall, leather jacket…” Ah y’know the drill. Well, ladies ‘n germs, if ya read the title-s this BLOG, I was dealt the HARSH BLOW that the PUNK… was gone. He vacated the premises last Summer due to rent. What more… Doug didn’t have any DEVO! He said the PUNK took it all! DAUGGHHHHH!

January 6th: FRIGGIN' FRIGID!

This is 8-Track TeckHead tellin’ YOU that I, me, ‘n the rest-a the CREW are currently STUCK in the dumpster! There’s so much DAMN snow fallin’ down here in Milford! Gotta be at least NINE INCHES! It all must’ve happened overnight! I’m only able to get the lid-a-my dumpster-home up a crack before it all comes CRASHIN’ DOWN on me! That’s how heavy this friggin’ snow is! Earlier, I saw my buddy Virgil tryin’ to shovel the driveway to his bungalow, poor bastid must’ve been goin’ for HOURS! The snow just kept pilin’ up! Kinda reminded me-a the DEVO tune, “Snowball”. Driveway shovelin’: a pretty SISYPHEAN task!. Thankfully, me, Cassetta, ‘n Odbal’ve been keepin’ sane by watchin’ movies ‘n spinnin’ records! Good thing we didn’t have to get any bread ‘n milk!


Another year-a KEEPIN’ IT ECLECTIC! Nothin’ like it! Things were really PERC-U-LATIN’! I spoke with CHRIS BALLEW, fired up the website, went on a big ‘ol AMERIQUEST (which I still need to finish retellin’...), I cut a single, celebrated the ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY-a the ZINE, started INTERROGATIN' local musicians, ‘n took it to the airwaves with my SUPER SHOW on RedHawk Radio! Gee! What am I gonna do NEXT YEAR? Well… I’M GONNA ROCK IT LIVE! Eyup! It’s goin’ down January 17th at the Northside Bar in Cincinnati, Ohio! It’s 5$ at the door and a 21+ show too, might I add... I’m openin’-’n-MC’ing for SKYLAR TONIGHT ‘n UMBRELLA MAN! Don’t miss it! Hopefully I’ll get sum more gigs too! STAY TUNED! Oh! I almost forgot! The results’re in for the OFFICIAL CHAINGUN ISLAND FAN NICKNAME! It looks like… Odbal’s idea won. Hm. There ya have it! From now on, I’m callin’ you lot the ECLECT-oids! I guess it has a nice ring to it after all! Thank you 'n EVERYONE ELSE who's been readin' the ZINE, perusin' the BLOG, 'n tunin' into the SUPER SHOW for one ECLECTIC year, let’s make this next year even MORE ECLECTIC!!!


Man, what a day! I woke up bright-'n-early this FINE Christmas morn' to see my BEE-YOOTIFUL wife, Cassetta, sittin' by our 'lil aluminum Christmas tree with a present in her hands. I said, "G'mornin', hot mama, what's that'chya got?" She looked at me with those eyes-a-her 'n said, "Well... I know how much you like pirate radio, and how you want to take to the airways. I always put the kibosh on it, because of how radio waves aggressively frizz my hair..." I didn't know that!, ahywho, she then said this to me: "...So, I did a lot of thinking and... here, how about this as a compromise?" She gingerly handed me the gift 'n I tore that sucka open! Lo-'n-behold... it was a ham radio. Gee, I guess Cassetta really DIDN'T know aboot the secret college radio show after all! I dunno how! I felt real crummy aboot all this, but then I thought, "It's Christmas, I'LL DO THIS LATER!" I gave my Cassy a huge squeeze 'n a kiss 'n told her I'd get it set up ASAP! Odbal was a-wakin' 'round this time too. He immediately got all AMPED-UP! He kept goin' on about how the first night-a Hanukkah's fallin' on Christmas day this year! He seemed SUPER STOKED about all-a-that! Later that day, we trucked on over to Virgil's house for a 'lil Christmas get-together; we do that every year. Ya see, since none of us really eat, we just blasted TSO 'n played Super Smash Bros. Melee. Lemme tell ya, Virgil's been gettin' better, he whupped my ass as Mr. Game-'n-Watch too! Not an easy feat since I was rockin' 'ol Captain Falcon! We got to talkin' aboot the ZINE in-between a match, 'n Virgil brought up a compellin' point: If the CHAINGUN ISLAND ZINE is REALLY here to stay, then what should I call the FANS?! Seems like every band's got a name, Slipknot's got the Maggots, DEVO's got the Spuds, KISS (blegh!) has the KISS Army, so on 'n so forth! I sat there, puzzled, how could I have NOT come up with a nickname by now? 'N then it HIT ME! I blurted out "THE ECLECITC ENTOURAGE!" Virgil nodded, but then Odbal blurted "ECLECT-OIDS!" OOO! That's a good one too! I dunno which to choose! So... I'm lettin' YOU DECIDE! Cast yer yuletide ballot HERE RIGHT NOW! Votin' ends on December 31st at 2PM EST SHARP! As DEVO would say, "Use your freedom of choice!" Merry Christmas 'n Happy Hanukkah... fellas! Keep it ECLECTIC!

TeckHead Just Saw: GWAR

Friday the 13th, that was DATE NIGHT for me ‘n my B-YOOTIFUL wife, Cassetta. What better way to celebrate our love than to go see one-a our FAV’RITE bands, GWAR! I love their music, she loves their movies, it was meant to be! Besides, I’d been meanin’ to treat m’lady right, ‘specially after all the CRAP that happened last summer! We cruised on down to Bogart’s ‘n slinked on into the throng. I ‘memba seein’ there were some openers, I didn’t think much of it, but boy, we were in for a SHOW! The first band up to bat was this SASSY grindcore band from NAWLINS called BRAT! They riled up the crowd with some SEARIN’ chuggin’ ‘n HOT PINK death growls courtesy of their female lead singer! I kept hearin’ Cassetta yellin’ “YOU GO GIRL!” It ain’t often when she REALLY enjoys somethin’, so THAT was a sign things were goin’ smooth! When BRAT finished up, I saw this dude in the crowd that looked like the POSTAL Dude! I slipped a ZINE into his battle jacket without him ever suspectin' a thing. Good thing he didn't pull out a shovel! Next up was The Native Howl howlin’ all the way from the motor city! Now when I saw one of ‘em had a fiddle, I got a LITTLE skeptical. I may like to keep things ECLECTIC, but country music was never really my thing, y’know? Luckily, those native howlers BLEW my expectations away with their trademark THRASHGRASS! Not too shabby after all! Then, came Brujeria with their famous severed head ‘n ULTRA-PISSED Spanish flows! Things were gettin’ absolutely LOCO durin’ their set, the pit was gettin’ aggressive, folks started surfin’, felt like I was in the middle of a cartel battle! I coulda sworn they played that one song from Demolition Racer, too. I was startin’ to feel the groove myself, I got in the pit which was a HUGE MISTAKE! There were these two fat dudes careenin’ into everyone! Knockin’ folks outta the way! I got launched into Cassetta’s arms, which made things alllll better, eheheh. Then… the moment arrived. I was gettin’ PSYCHED for GWAR when I remembered somethin’... I’M WEARIN’ WHITE! My ONLY white shirt! And then I looked over, ‘n Cassetta was wearin’’ white too! Aw crap! We’re gonna get BLOODY!!! This mascot-headed radio DJ sauntered out on stage before gettin’ DECAPITATED by GWAR! When his head stump started sprayin’ fake blood everywhere, all HELL broke loose! It was an all-out WAR!!! The pit became the ENTIRE front section! It was an unstoppable MEAT WALL! I was on a mission to get my ZINES into the bloody, ball-handlin’ hands of GWAR, and there was only ONE way to accomplish that. Ladies ‘n germs, I hung ten and went CROWD SURFIN’! I came nearly face-to-face with BALSAC, The Jaws Of Death. I gave him a big silly grin, waved all crazily, ‘n threw my ZINES towards the stage. They fluttered thought the air like confetti… before landing on the floor. The security guard grabbed me, set me down, n; I ran off while tellin’ him to “give my ZINE a read!” The show raged on. But now I was without my Cassetta! I had to find her! I rooted through the writing crowd ‘n there I saw her, completely bloodless. I looked down at my shirt and saw I was SOAKED! I asked her “How’d you stay clean?!” She looked at me with her big beautiful eyes ‘n said, “A girl has her ways.” Hubba hubba! GWAR kept wreakin’ havoc ‘n we kept on lappin’ it up! Then, those scumdogs threw a CURVEBALL! They played one-a my FAV’RITE GWAR songs: PEPPERONI! I couldn’t believe it! Then, they said they were SICK OF US, ‘n stormed off into the night. Cassetta ‘n I cruised on home, me covered in blood ‘n some kinda alien jizz, ‘n she was spotless. I looked into my pocket, ‘n saw a BLOOD-SPATTERED copy-a ISSUE 13. Bitchin’. The mornin’ after, I asked my buddy Virgil to hose me down! As cool as the blood is, it had to wash off! All-in-all, I give BRAT 4 outta 5 TeckHeads, The Native Howl 3 outta 5 TeckHeads, Brujeria 5 OUTTA 5 TeckHeads, ‘n last but TOTALLY not least, GWAR with 5 OUTTA 5 TECKHEADS! Outta ALL the rock shows I’ve been to, GWAR took the cake ‘n absolutely EVISCERATED it!

My blood-spattered copy of ISSUE 13

TeckHead Just Saw: Primus

Ho-ly MO-LY!!! Talk about ECLECTIC! Me-’n-Odbal went downtown to CINCINNATI to go see one-a the few bands we can agree on, PRRRRIMUS!!! The drive down was surpisin’ly easy considerin’ how downright HELLISH the traffic down there is. We were one-a the FIRST in line, I slipped some autographed ZINES to some rather EAGER folks! It was a scorcher out there, poor Odbal nearly wilted in it, which is odd considerin’ he’s got no skin… ANYWHO! We got some weird looks from security but we got in ‘n got close to the barricade. The only thing stoppin’ us from bein’ face-to-face with one-a our idols was a drunk-’n-disorderly fella who looked to be part of a VERY quarrelsome four-ple. He kept mackin’ on people around him ‘n totally DISSIN’ his own girl! The other half-a this four-ple was equally weird! There was this one blonde chick that must’ve been on a whole GALAXY-a uppers-’n-downers! Kept givin’ me this creepy STARE. Odbal let me put his cigar in their drinks which pissed ‘em off enough to make ‘em vacate the premises! I then saw a dude dressed like BUCKETHEAD! I excitedly pushed through the crowd, sayin’ “I gotta say hi to Buckethead!” One dude replied sayin’, “Yes you do!” Met with the Bucket impersonator ‘n I got back to my spot. The lights dimmed, ‘n the openin’ act took to the stage, ‘n boy was I caught off-guard! It was a three-man street-band from New York City called “Too Many Zooz”, ‘n I tell ya, they… ROCKED!!!!! It was a trumpet player, a baritone sax-o-phone-ist, ‘n a drummer that played a marchin’ bass drum with a snare ‘n tambourine stuck to it! You’d think they do some jazz, but you’d be SORELY MISTAKEN! These fellas brought the house down with some straight-up HOUSE! No computers! No keyboards! Same VIBRATIONS! I tried to talk to ‘em afterwards, but they were nowhere to be found. One day… you sexy sax-man… one day. The next band up to bat was none other than the prog-rock-storytellers, Coheed ‘n Cambria! I'd never really given ‘em the time-a day before, and BOY have I missed out. Their music took me on a journey across the stars ‘n back! Odbal thought they were so-so, he ain’t too big into that “nerd junk” as he said. Then, the moment arrived. The forebodin’ sounds-a Danny Elfman crept through the P.A. system as Primus made their grand entrance with the classic “American Life” which then went into “Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver!” Les Claypool called out one guy in the audience to was wearin’ a banana costume, sayin’ “Where you goin’ banana boy?” durin’ “My Name Is Mud” which sent the crown into a FRENZY! The pit became all encompassin’, ‘n Odbal ‘n I got CAUGHT IN A MOSH! I still had a stack-o-ZINES in my pocket ‘n thought “It’s now or never!” ‘n started throwin’ ‘em in the air in the PIT! Odbal, along with the ZINES, were bouncin’ all over those punks’ heads! Discombobulatin’! Then I heard it… those familiar bass-tones that I’d heard a MILLION times playin’ Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater. Yes, ladies-’n-gents, I fulfilled a long-time dream of moshin’ to “Jerry Was A Racecar Driver”!!! When that breakdown hit, it was like I entered cyborg HEAVEN! When the dust settled ‘n Primus disappeared into the night (probably went fishin’ in the Ohio River). I looked at the ground ‘n saw my ZINES there, ground into a fine powder. Didn’t know what I was expectin’, moshers don’t exactly have the time to read MIND-BENDIN’ journalism in the PIT! Oh well! All-in-all, I give Too Many Zooz 5 OUTTA 5 TECKHEADS, Coheed ‘n Cambria 4 outta 5 TeckHeads, ‘n Primus 5 OUTTA 5 TECKHEADS! Now THAT’S! ENTERTAINMENT!

TeckHead Just Saw: Foo Fighters

Now THAT was somethin’! Me ‘n the whole CHAINGUN ISLAND crew (That’s right, even my lovely Cassetta wanted to see ‘em!) took to the sewers of Cincy in order to sneak into the FOO FIGHTERS concert at the Great American Ballpark! All I gotta say is, we were SUCCESSFUL! We caught The Pretenders openin’ act, which was alright, not much to write home about. I was excited to see the Foo Fighters for a pretty UNIQUE reason. Ya see, I got a musician buddy by the name-a Michael Wedding, the frontman of local bands Slump Monkey AND Dead Doctors Club! He phoned me sayin’ that he got to the ballpark at 10:00 AM to get a front row barricade spot in order to achieve his lifelong goal of JAMMIN’ WITH DAVE GROHL! Sadly, Dave was not benevolent that night. At least he got a fistful-o-picks ‘n a drumstick! I gotta say, those Foo Fighters put on one HELLUVA rock show! It was nonstop pedal-to-the-metal-quasi-grunge RAWK! They played it on the screen! The crowd roared like a LION! Aw jeez, I’m soundin’ like Wesley Willis. It’s been a long night… All-in-all, I give Foo Fighters 5 OUTTA 5 TECKHEADS! Even though they told one-a Milford’s COOLEST musicians to talk to the hand!

TeckHead Just Saw: Umbrella Man and Virdaze

WHEW! Virgil-n-I just got back from a totally ROCKIN’ local show down at the rec center in Fairfax. We walked into the erratic grunge-dustrial riffs of UMBRELLA MAN, a fella I’ve been wantin’ to meet for a while! Right away, we got caught in a mosh! A buncha teenagers slammin’ into each other with the amicable ferocity of a slap-happy SEMI! I was lappin’ it up, keepin’ my frame stable, even in the face of a jock that gave me the ‘ol SCARY EYES! Virgil isn’t really the moshin’ type, despite the fact that he looks like he could throw you into the wall. He’s a gentle space-helmet-wearin’ giant. Anywho… Umbrella Man ROCKED THE HOUSE! Holy moly, man, For one guy, he can bring it DOWN! I told him he knocked my socks off as expected ‘n gave him a ZINE and a CD of my NEW SINGLE! Next came Virdaze. Ladies and germs, by the end of their set, I had to wipe my face off the floor ‘cuz it MELTED! Their guitarist was absolutely SHREDDIN’ FOR HIS LIFE! He would’ve put a tear in Buckethead’s eye I can tell you that much. I really wanted to see the next act, “Rectal Crucifixion”, but Virgil kept tellin’ me he wanted to go get some food. Kept sayin’ somethin’ ‘bout forgettin’ to eat breakfast. All-in-all, I give Umbrella Man AND Virdaze both 5 outta 5 TeckHeads! There’s gold in them there local holes!


OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! We did it! We made it to the 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE CHAINGUN ISLAND ZINE! One whole year ago, I was droppin' off the first copies of ISSUE #0 at Arcade Legacy, time really does fly, eh? I got so EXCITED about this LITERAL paper anniversary, that the gang 'n I threw together a SINGLE! You can download yer FREE COPY HERE!. I would like to thank each 'n every one-a you intrepid readers for keepin' yer eyes on our MIND-BENDIN' journalism for this long! The next year-a this ECLECTIC piece-o-paper'll be even more... ECLECTIC Than ever before! I got some serious stuff cookin' up... - 8-Track TeckHead, the Undead Cybernetic ZJ from Milford Ohio. Heh-Heh-HEY, boisengoils! I'm just OVER THE MOON that my ODBAL PICKS've been goin' for THIS LONG! I'm a real lazybones, so this is a HUGE DEAL for 'ol Odbal! Thanks fer indulgin'! - Odbal the Talking Skull. Happy anniversary, Ladies and Larries. It's Cassetta TeckHead, the mistress of the dumpster, here to thank all of you for reading my flick reviews. This zine has really been a labor of love (and a real spark, too!) for Tracky-poo and I. I'm quite bored of watching schlocky B-movies, perhaps I'll take a look at other genres... a lady's gotta branch out sometimes, y'know? - Cassetta TeckHead, the Mistress of the Dumpster. Here's to another year of MIND BENDIN' JOURNALISM! And as always... KEEP IT ECLECTIC!


HELLLLOOO INTREPID READERS! It's time for another issue of the CHAINGUN ISLAND ZINE! Let me tell ya, things have peen prett-y bus-y for me lately, I recently came back from a MONTH-LONG ride across the US-of-A! I'm glad I could be back in time for the ZINE to hit DOUBLE DIGITS! What more, CHRIS BALLEW'S BACK! As per uge, you can get copies at Arcade Legacy and Spiral Groove Records as well as the WEBSITE! Have an ECLECTIC SUMMER!

TeckHead Just Saw: They Might Be Giants

A couple nights ago, Odbal, Virgil, ‘n I decided to shuffle on down to Madison Theater in Covington, Kentucky to see the unmistakable Duo-of-Johns, THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS! Let me tell ya, those nerds put on one HELLUVA SHOW! They played all kinds-a-stuff from their various albums, most notably Mink Car. Musically n’ timing-wise, these fellas were tighter than a gimp mask! They don’t really move the needle as much as other bands for me, but I know Odball was lappin’ up every NOTE! That crazy ‘ol skull. Only issue was that the mix was a touch loud-’n’-bassy. It wasn’t an issue for me since I brought foam earplugs. What? Even undead cyborgs should protect their precious eardrums! SO SHOULD YOU! Anywho… the venue itself was kinda unique. It’s an old movie theater, so it's pretty much a beeline from the door to the stage, super open kinda stuff, y’know? It’s got a bar and two bathrooms, soap not guaranteed (Virgil nearly blew a gasket when he found out). It’s also got no A/C, so it got a bit hot-’n’-smelly halfway through the show. John F. commented on that, sayin’ the venue was “environmentally friendly”. All-in-all, I give They Might Be Giants at Madison Theater 4 outta 5 TeckHeads! They didn’t play Istanbul (Not Constantinople). That really pissed Odbal off.


HAPPY 4/20, STONERS 'N BONERS! 8-Track TeckHead RIPPIN' out a brand new strain of the CHAINGUN ISLAND ZINE! This one's called TOKENADO... that's pronounced Toke-Nado. So now you can enjoy fine ECLECTIC literature while you work off your latest buzz. Get on down to Spiral Groove Records in Milford and Arcade Legacy in Sharonville to get yer copies! If you're too BAKED to get off the couch, then head on over to the CHAINGUN ISLAND WEBSITE to get yer printable AND digital copies, heh, looks like you're already there. Bake responsibly and always remember to keep it ECLECTIC!!


HEY HEY HEY! It's time for the latest issue of the CHAINGUN ISLAND ZINE! I sure hope you're all partied-out from Spring Break 'cuz this one's a REAL DOOZY! If you're checkin' it out at Spiral Groove Records in Milford or at Arcade legacy in Sharonville, you can get LIMITED EDITION BLUE VARANTS! Also, I dunno how, but that damn Dr. Sylvestarian managed to hack the ZINE! So I guess you all get an extra review if ya check it out in-store. Anywho, if ya hate the doc as much as I do or if ya don't live in Ohio, then get yer printable AND digital copies on the INTERNET ARCHIVE or right here on my NEWGROUNDS FILE DUMP! Keep it ECLECTIC!!!! - 8-Track TeckHead

8-Track TeckHead vs. the PUNK

I’m not one to BLOG IT UP usually, but do I got a story for you that just can’t wait! A couple days ago, I went to the Trader’s World Flea Market in Monroe, Ohio with my buddies Odbal ‘n Virgil. Let me tell ya, that joint’s already filled with weirdos so we fit right in! No need to sneak around like we usually do! Anywho, we were havin’ a good time lookin’ for videogames ‘n records ‘n other fun junk when I stumbled upon a man that would change the course of the whole damn trip. He was at least six-foot-tall, clad in a leather jacket, black jeans, boots, and had crime scene tape danglin’ from his belt like some kinda nutz-o fashion statement! Yes, ladies and germs, I encountered the PUNK! He started talkin’ a mile-’o’-minute about how he used to play bass for a band that opened for Ratt and how he personally knew Glenn Danzig! He took us back to his little hole-in-the-wall record shop where he proceeded to show us all the rare stuff he had. Let me tell ya, he was not kiddin’. The dude had a 1-in-500 GREEN variant of Metallica’s Ride The Lightning that was only available in France. He said that “the French aren’t too bright so they thought it should be green.” He also showed us a STUDIO PRESSING of Pink Floyd durin’ one of their Animals sessions back in the day! He and I talked for what seemed like hours, I looked behind me and saw that Odbal ‘n Virgil had skedaddled to some other part of the market while he was yakkin’ about how the Ramones were the “true American band, not that Bruce Springsteen guy.” I asked the PUNK if he knew about my ‘ol stompin’ grounds, Spiral Groove Records, and he said “isn’t it that one fuckin’ store with the albums on the wall and those CD drawers?” I reluctantly said yes. I told him to look out for a local band I’ve been sponsorin’ called… well… I’m gonna plead the 5th on that band for now… they haven’t had any shows yet, but when they do it’ll be at Spiral Groove! When I looked at my watch I saw that it was almost CLOSIN’ TIME, so I gave him a copy of the CHAINGUN ISLAND ZINE and told him to KEEP IT ECLECTIC! I wonder if I’ll ever see that PUNK again… (Originally posted on Newgrounds and SpaceHey)