I’m on-a RedHawk Radio! Well… ya see, when I was up slummin’ it at Miami University peddlin’ my ZINES, I caught wind of-a college RADIO STATION! Now, I’d been wantin’ to take to the airwaves for a WHILE now, but I never really had the money or equipment for it… besides, Cassetta HATES radio! You wouldn’t BELIEVE how STOKED I was to finally get the opportunity to PUMP UP THE VOLUME! I sauntered on up to Williams Hall, the RedHawk Radio HQ, ‘n was met with SCREAMIN’! So… I went home, cybernetic tail between my metal legs, until it HIT ME! Virgil’s a GENIUS! He could probably HACK the station! I went straight to his pad ‘n told him the PLAN! In a few short days he whipped up the HIJACK CODE ‘n it was OFF TO THE RACES! We picked a good time to STRIKE, ‘n well, the rest is HISTORY! Just… don’t tell my wife!